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Department of Chemistry, Physics, and Atmospheric Sciences – CHEMISTRY
College of Science, Engineering, and Technology


Chemistry is the study of how matter behaves at its most basic level. The central science, chemistry, is involved in everything that we do. 它的应用遍及生活的各个领域,包括医学、工程和农业.

Graduate Degrees Requirements

Graduate Courses

Graduate Scholarship Programs

Graduate Students Directory

Admission Requirements

除了研究生院的要求外,申请人还必须达到B.S. 化学或相关专业的学位,并在以下带有实验的课程中取得C或以上的成绩:

  • 2 semesters of General Chemistry
  • 2 semesters of Organic Chemistry
  • 1 semester of Analytical Chemistry
  • 1 semester of Physical Chemistry
  • 1 semester of Inorganic Chemistry
  • GRE Score*
  • Three Letters of Recommendation
  • A Statement of Purpose for Graduate Study

(*Students may take the Department’s entrance exam instead of the GRE)

Retention Requirements

除了满足研究生部的基本要求外, students are required to maintain a chemistry GPA of 3.00 or higher every semester. Seminar courses, dissertation courses, 和其他非化学选修课程不包括在化学GPA的计算中. Students whose chemistry GPA is below 3.00人将进行1-2个学期的见习以弥补不足.

在此期间,学生唯一的课程工作是进行论文/论文研究, an unsatisfactory progress in research during any semester, judged by the faculty advisor and the Graduate Advisory Committee, will trigger probationary status. 连续成绩不理想的学生将被开除学籍.

Repeating a Course

如果学生在化学核心课程或主修领域的课程中获得“C”或更低的成绩, 那门课必须重修,学生的成绩必须达到“B”或以上.

Degree Candidacy Requirements

After completing the lecture and seminar course requirements, 学生需要参加并通过综合考试,并捍卫一个独立的研究计划,以成为正式的博士学位.D. candidate. 在学习的第二年必须参加3门科目的综合考试并通过,在学习的第三年或毕业前至少一年必须准备好书面的独立研究计划并进行答辩.

Graduation Requirements

The minimum number of credit hours for the Ph.D. degree in Chemistry is 60 credit hours.

  • 18 credit hours from graduate Chemistry lecture courses
  • 2 credit hours for Seminars
  • 40 credit hours for Dissertation Research
  • 以助教的身份教授至少两个学期的本科课程.
  • Pass Area Comprehensive Examination in three subject areas.
  • Write and defend an Independent Research Proposal.
  • 在论文委员会和公众面前为论文辩护.
  • Submit an approved dissertation for publication of five bond copies, one each to the Division of Graduate Studies, the Department, the University Library, the Faculty Advisor, and the student.

18学时的授课课程必须包括以下五门核心课程中的至少三门,总共至少9学时. Under special circumstances, 有指导老师的推荐和项目主管的批准, 选修课程对学生的学习主题至关重要,可以用来代替三门核心课程中的一门.

CHEM 723 Advanced Analytical Chemistry
CHEM 731 Advanced Biochemistry
CHEM 736 Physical Organic Chemistry
CHEM 741 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 758 Quantum Chemistry

Students entering the Ph.D Program with a M.S. Degree in Chemistry: Students who earned a M.S. 如果这些课程相当于JSU的化学博士课程,则允许转学最多三(3)个讲座课程或9个学分. Students who earned a M.S. 获得JSU化学学位的学生将被要求选修至少两门以上的认可课程,而不是要求的六门课程, and the passed comprehensive exams are waved. Other requirements are the same as for those entering the Ph.D. program with a B.S. degree.

Students earning a non-thesis M.S. Degree in Chemistry: Students on the Ph.D. program are given an option to obtain a non-thesis M.S. 完成博士学位候选资格要求后获得学位.D. program (details see “Requirements for Non-Thesis Master’s Degree”). Upon receiving the non-Thesis M.S. degree, students will continue on their Ph.D. program without interruption. All credits earned thus far will be counted toward their Ph.D. degree.

Masters’ Program in Chemistry

Admission Requirements


In addition to the requirements of the Division of Graduate Studies, applicants must have the following:

1. A B.S. 化学或密切相关领域的学位,并通过以下课程的实验成绩(“C”或以上):

  • 2 semesters of General Chemistry
  • 2 semesters of Organic Chemistry
  • 1 semester of Analytical Chemistry
  • 1 semester of Physical Chemistry
  • 1 semester of Inorganic Chemistry

2. Three Letters of Recommendation
3. A Statement of Purpose for Graduate Study

Retention Requirements

除了满足研究生部的基本要求外, students are required to maintain a chemistry GPA of 3.00 or higher every semester. Seminar courses, dissertation courses, 和其他非化学选修课程不包括在化学GPA的计算中. Students whose chemistry GPA is below 3.为了弥补这些不足,00人将试用一学期.

Degree Requirements

A student pursuing a M.S. 化学学位要求完成至少30小时的化学论文.

1. Within the 18 credit hours of lecture courses, 学生必须完成五(5)门核心课程中的至少三(3)门,总共九(9)小时. 在导师的推荐下,可以选修一些相关领域的课程. The core courses are:

CHEM 723 Advanced Analytical Chemistry
CHEM 741 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 731 Biochemistry
CHEM 758 Quantum Chemistry
CHEM 736 Physical Organic Chemistry

学生将完成剩余的12个小时的化学选修课,其中不超过11个小时的CHEM 580-论文研究.
2. 学生需要参加两个学期的化学研讨会,获得一(1)学分.
3. 通过三个化学领域的研究生综合考试.
4. 学生必须在化学系担任助教至少一学期.
5. Defend a thesis before the Thesis Committee and public audience.
6. Submit an approved thesis for publication of five bond copies, one each to the Division of Graduate Studies, the Department, the University Library, the Faculty Advisor, and the student.

Non-Thesis Master’s Degree

Ph.D. 符合以下要求的学生将被授予非论文化学硕士学位,如果学生申请.

1. A minimum of 36 credit hours, 包括至少18小时的认可的研究生水平的讲座课程和两个小时的研讨会,平均绩点为3.00 or better. 研究生授课课程应至少包括五门核心课程中的三门:高级分析化学, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Quantum Chemistry, and Physical Organic Chemistry.
2. Pass the Graduate Area Comprehensive Examination in three areas.
3. 在由四名教员组成的委员会面前通过口头答辩,内容涉及学生的研究.



Important Dates

CSET Scholars Academy

Community Engagement


For more information, please contact us at (601) 979-7012.  我们期待着与您会面,看看我们的计划如何帮助您实现您的目标.



Jackson State University
Department of Chemistry
1325 J. R. Lynch St.
P.O. Box 17910
Jackson, MS 39217-0510


(601) 979-2171