
民政部 & 环境工程与工业系统“, & 技术


The 工业技术专业 prepares students for supervisory and management positions in the production, 自动化, 工业维修或物流领域.


Remember our motto: “The 工业技术专业s produces graduates that are responsible leaders who seek solutions to solve tomorrow’s complex problems”

欢迎来到主页 工业技术专业 in the College of Science, Engineering & 澳门皇冠体育技术系. The fact that you have reached our site indicates that you are interested in, or at least curious about our department and programs or maybe the profession of Industrial 技术 in general. I hope that our site provides you with information that strengthens your interest and satisfies your curiosity.

Industrial 技术 undoubtedly is one of the largest contributors to the tremendous technological advances that we have witnessed during the past few decades. If you are a potential student looking for a career in Industrial 技术 check out our programs below which offer undergraduate and graduate degrees.


在这里, 在澳门皇冠体育, our programs continues to provide students with an excellent education. We stress an understanding of the fundamentals and hands-on activities, 包括科学原理, 严谨的分析和创造性的设计. We also provide our students with a broad educational base to prepare them for productive careers and to foster in them a commitment to lifelong learning. 此外, we encourage the development of clear communication 技能 and provide opportunities for our students to participate in responsible teamwork situations that will help them to develop professional attitudes and ethics. 我希望你喜欢访问这个网站.


CONTACT我们 如果你有任何问题或意见.


浏览 工业技术学生奖学金

Looking for additional ways to pay for your tenure 在澳门皇冠体育? 不要害怕! 我们是来帮忙的. 浏览 奖学金 in our Scholarship Portal to see what you qualify for today.



 Students receive an excellent background in the practical use of both manual and automated machinery and associated tools, 以及工业制造流程的知识, 材料, 设计, 人际关系及后勤, 重点是实践实验室经验.

学习 BY

成功的毕业生获得知识, 技能, 以及解决技术问题的能力, 了解设计过程, 擅长真正的领导, 注意安全问题, 以质量为导向, 有效管理项目, 并且要有系统思考的视角. This translates to a holistic approach that uses science and engineering principles to focus on the way the constituent parts of a manufacturing system interrelate, 随着时间的推移,它们是如何工作的, 以及它们如何适应更大系统的背景. 



Gain real-world experience expanding outside of the classroom. Learn how to succeed by facing real challenges within the community

职业生涯 机会

Employment prospects for Industrial 技术 graduates are abundant not only in Mississippi, 而是遍及美国. The Bachelor of Science in Industrial 技术 degree qualifies graduates for entry-level positions in many areas. RESEARCH生s may move into managerial positions after acquiring the necessary industrial experience.


ABB系统,联盟钢铁,AT&T, 贝克休斯, 球航空, 浸信会医院, 波音公司, 杰克逊市, C-Spire, 伊顿, 联邦紧急事务管理局(FEMA), 通用电气(General Electric), 通用汽车(General Motors), 亨廷顿英格尔斯工业公司, 杰克逊公立学校, 澳门皇冠体育, 约翰逊控制, 洛克希德·马丁公司, 密尔沃基的工具, 密西西比州税务局, 密西西比州运输部, 密西西比州紧急事务管理局(MEMA), 日产(和当地供应商公司), 雷神公司, 红石兵工厂, 联合太平洋铁路, 法雷奥前端模块, 还有很多其他的.

Career types of the Industrial 技术 graduates include, but are not limited to

网络分析, 网络管理员, 它技术员, 桌面支持, 电子技术PERSONNEL, 生产工程师, PLC的程序员, 铁路调度程序, 项目策划专员, 工业销售代表, 项目经理, 紧急反应和恢复专家, 茎教育家, CADD绘图员, 安全检查员, 制造工程师, 生产操作PERSONNEL, 安全官……, 和很多, 更!

Approximately 75% of the Programs’ graduates secure employment upon graduation. 大约20%的人可能需要一到六个月才能找到工作, while 5% may not secure immediate employment or a position within 6 months of graduation. The 5% group may attend graduate school or work part-time with local firms.


Respondents from a 2023 校友 Survey indicated that the starting salaries of the graduates in the past five years range from $0 (if starting as an intern) to approximately $70,000美元,有些例外高于70美元,000.

访问 the US Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Website for more information about Industrial 技术 Employment and wages: http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes173026.htm


Our 工业技术专业 offers exciting opportunities to work with renowned faculty on new technologies for industrial systems.

想了解更多? 点击下面查看我们的贡献.





三个贵族.T.E.M. 健康科学计划











Association of 技术, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE)

是. 领先的国际技术荣誉协会



欲了解更多信息,请致电(601)979-2466与我们CONTACT.  We look forward to meeting with you and seeing how our program can help you achieve your goals.

民政部 & 环境工程和工业系统 & 技术


民事 & 环境工程与工业系统“, & 技术
1400 J.R. 林奇街
P. O. 17068箱
杰克逊,MS 39217,美国


电话. No. 601-979-3913